Unge Kunstnernes Samfund (UKS)

18. October - Kl 20.00

19. October - Kl 17.00

All drugs are poisons. 

All drugs are poisons. 

The only difference between a poison and a medicine lies in the dose. 

The smell of a plastic doll 

heated by the sun 

comes from me, 

apple liqueur abandoned at the bottom of a glass. 

I wish I knew how to quit you

In the old theater space now known as UKS, Unge Kunstneres Samfund, you are led into a dimly lit room colored in red. An unsettling yet soothing sound guides you forward. You are left to make your way through an environment of performers, light, text and images that deal with the complexity of relations.

LESIONS is a new work by Danish artist Jules Fischer—a combined exhibition and performance.

Following their previous works ‘VANITAS’, which explores transformation and transition the transition into queer life, ‘It doesn’t look like anything to for me’ examining transmasculinity as something from both an attractive and
destructive perspective, LESIONS delves deeper into the pain of loving and the systems that produce gender.

Fischer depicts the beauty within the grotesque and the fear of rejection that comes with living a queer life.

The artist explores themes of community, identity, and power structures. They view collaboration and interdisciplinary work as an antidote to capitalist individualism and loneliness, believing in the potential for radical healing through shared spaces, mirroring one another, and navigating ambivalent emotions together.

This performative exhibition premieres in Norway in collaboration with CODA Oslo International Dance Festival.



Jules Fischer is a visual artist and choreographer based in Copenhagen. Their praxis is centered around collage-like large-scale performances. Jules is interested in basic feelings such as love, grief and loneliness from an ambivalent and queer perspective. In collaboration with professional dancers and performers Jules has shown works at various institutions, such as Glyptoteket, SMK and Arken. The show at UKS is their first international solo presentation.