Back to the Future

The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet

21. October - Kl 19.30

22. October - Kl 19.30

24. October - Kl 18.00

William Forsythe/Alan Lucien Øyen

This programme offers two short, edgy ballets by the legendary American choreographer William Forsythe and a new work by the Norwegian National Ballet’s house choreographer Alan Lucien Øyen.

Forsythe shows us the infinite possibilities found in the language of ballet. He employs classical technique to create a dynamic art form for our time. Sound, light, darkness, movement and scenography often constitute a raw and precisely sculpted whole in his works. In One Flat Thing, reproduced, 20 tables and the dancers’ bodies and movement create an ingenious and pulsating system. The expression is fast-paced, dynamic and fascinating.

Steptext from 1985 is one of Forsythe’s signature works, a ballet for three men and one woman to Bach’s Baroque music. It was received with widespread enthusiasm when it was presented by the National Ballet in 2013.

The evening concludes with a new work by Alan Lucien Øyen. Time, expectations and a journey through time are keywords for Back to the Future, which offers exquisite, playful and stylistically pure dance.