
22. October - Kl 18.00

In the early 19th century, the poet Heinrich von Kleist gave dancers and actors iconic advice on how to learn to create great movement art: attend a puppet show. We now have our chance! The Brazilian dancer and puppeteer Duda Paiva is in Oslo.

Duda is especially well-known for his solo productions where he combines dance and puppets. His productions are virtuous and aesthetically beautiful, full of subtle irony and also thematically provocative.

In BLIND Duda uses energetic and direct interaction between the audience, dance, music, puppet theatre and projections to build a portrait of an artist and his work. The story is in part autobiographical, and in part universal. Duda or everyman explores his drives, hopes, fears and mistakes in his search for a meaningful place in society.

BLIND is a co-production with Figurteatret of Nordland. Figurteatret is located in Stamsund in Lofoten and is an international production centre for puppet theatre.