
The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet

29. September - Kl 18.30

30. September - Kl 18.30

” Life is like a book, they say. But life is not a book. Life is written on thousands of loose sheets. You can tell a story, yes, and say this story is the truth. But it’s a matter of choice, really. Of deciding which papers in which order. Our story is one of these.”

CZTERDZIESCI (meaning forty in Polish) follows a woman, from her birth in 1973 to her birthday in 2013. The timespan of 40 years reflects a period of doubts, hopes, struggles, choices, and unforseen events, driven by herioc virtues – the lust for life and the will to survive. On her journey through a chaotic Europe, she manages to find a compromise between her own ambitions and the circumstances that are forced upon her.

This blend of nostalgia, retrospective scrutiny, and a fearful gaze at the future, is the celebration of Polish Dance Theatre’s 40th anniversary. The co-production is part of a long-term partnership between the two companies, triggered by Jo Strømgren Kompani’s continuous presence in Poland over the years.


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