The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet

25. October - Kl 19.30

In an intricate choreography with complex music and text from «A Stroke of Insight» by Jill Bolte Taylor, the dancers force their way through boundaries and resistance. If the barriers cannot be removed, they can perhaps be shifted?

Orbo Novo is a contrast-filled work that is relevant in today’s society. It’s time for a reminder of how a sense of freedom, confinement, solidarity and loneliness affects us. This confrontation with a conflicted USA expresses melancholy hope, our wish of getting together, and of presence in the moment, contrasted with our memories.

Nagelhus Schia Productions by artistic director Guro Nagelhus Schia and assistant artistic director Vebjørn Sundby wishes to invite choreographers – renowned as well as unknown – to collaborate on new works. They have collaborated with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s company Eastman for ten years, and now wish to share one of his masterpieces with Norway in their first full-night performance.

Presented in partnership with Den Norske Opera & Ballett
