Thousand Rooms


18. October - Kl 21.00

19. October - Kl 19.00

THOUSAND ROOMS – with unexpected changes

Gunhild Bjørnsgaard has in recent years worked with choreography concerts, in which the musician performs choreography as a dancer would. With this new piece Bjørnsgaard probes the depths of the world of composer Georges Aperghis. His music requires great precision, evoking a journey through the unconscious, through the undisclosed dimensions of the performer. Aperghis is a composer who challenges musicians by having them employ theatre methods as an important aspect of their communication with an audience and as a significant element of the performance piece. Composer Rolf-Erik Nystrøm will also allow himself to be influenced and challenged by Aperghis music, and thereby create own music. The production’s story finds expression through an absurd, struggle over the capacity of the individual – a journey in thousand rooms with unexpected changes.

Gunhild Bjørnsgaard studied at the Norwegian National Academy of Ballet, the Jacques Lecoq International theatre school and the University of Oslo/Theatre Studies. In 1997 she founded Company B. Valiente with Marcelino Martin Valiente. The company is characterised by an interdisciplinary artistic expression and a pronounced social engagement. The company’s experimentation with choreography has ranged from explorations of extreme physicality to minimalism. The company tours in Norway and internationally, performing in theatres, avant garde stages, prisons and religious communities as well as in military bases, as they are also interested in meeting audiences in unconventional venues.