We Should All Be Dreaming


25. October - Kl 19.00

26. October - Kl 13.00

26. October - Kl 19.00

27. October - Kl 13.00

* ‘We Should All Be Dreaming’ has limited capacity and is not suited for groups *

WE SHOULD ALL BE DREAMING focuses on the radical potential of dreaming as a restorative and subversive practice: We should all be dreaming radical Utopian dreams of common futures. This mix of collective think tank, choreographed gathering, performance and lecture gently invites the participators to spend time, listen and dream together.

In a world plagued by fear, anger and hate of the unknown, WSABD does not simply fight against, react to or reveal the grim realities, but works as a platform of soft resistance by making space for communal coexistence. WSABD is a collaboration between Helsinki-based Sonya Lindfors and Maryan Abdulkarim, who are both interested in radical utopian and decolonial practices. Choreographer and artistic director Sonya Lindfors aims to shake and challenge existing power structures, penetrate society and empower the community. Writer and activist Maryan Abdulkarim is interested in themes relating to freedom.

In collaboration with Black Box teater og Oslo Arkitektur Triennale. Supported by FINNO, Norwegian-Finnish Culturefund and Finnish-Norwegian Culturefund.