Deep Dish

Dansens Hus

15. October - Kl 19.00

In Deep Dish Chris Haring invites four dancers to a sumptuous banquet. The table is set – not only with fruit and vegetables – here we see water fleas and sea anemones as well, fighting for a place in the environment projected onto the backdrop. It is both beautiful and decadent, especially when thread worms dance to an aria by Händel!

Deep Dish is a baroque installation, a refined staging of dance combined with film, created live by the dancers with hand-held cameras. The garden motif can be seen as an expression of humans’ struggle for control and the futile efforts to escape their own mortality. At the same time it’s an image of growth and reproduction, which at all times leads to the emergence of something new.

Liquid Loft was founded in 2005 by the choreographer Chris Haring, together with musician Andreas Berger, dancer Stephanie Cumming and dramaturgue Thomas Jelinek. In performances, as well as installations, Liquid Loft combine contemporary dance with other forms of contemporary art to create comprehensive artworks. In 2007 they were awarded the Golden Lion for the best performance at the Biennale for dance in Venice.