
The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet

2. October - Kl 19.30

3. October - Kl 19.30

Ingun Bjørnsgaard’s latest dance work is inspired by Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler from1890, an iconographic drawing room drama about a destructive and “dissatisfied” woman who takes her own life. Hedda identifies with heroic masculinity and holds the ridiculous and vulgar in contempt. She is a fascinating tragic figure in confrontation and dialogue with the ambivalent yearning for passion and true drama of our times.

In this dance-theatre production, Bjørnsgaard has 16 dancers embody the complex, fragile, sensual and overdramatic play in and around an unbalanced individual seeking escape from herself; a hermaphroditic fury on anti-depressants.

The production is a collaboration with CCN – Ballet de LorraineIngun Bjørnsgaard has been a strong exponent of innovative contemporary dance for 20 years. Her company Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt is a frequent guest at international theatres and festivals.
Read more on Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt
and on CCN-Ballet de Lorraine
