Live Skullerud

Live Skullerud holds a BA in performative dance from the University of Stavanger, including an exchange semester at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg, the Netherlands. She is currently creating and performing with various independent projects of her own and by others, in addition to being a dancer with Hagit Yakira Dance company. In 2020, Live is chosen for the “SPIRE” mentoring program arranged by cultural institutions TOU and RAS in Stavanger and is also a participant of the TILT Grow talent program run by Panta Rei Dance Theatre.

Live is enthusiastic about creating and performing work that can make dance more accessible for a diverse audience. Shifting between the realms of personal and universal, her own work aims to create playful and poetic dance experiences conveying ideas of identity and human interaction.

Live Skullerud is a part of Creative Lab 2020-2021.

Cover photo by Article 19.

Photo: Eduardo Scaramuzza