Harald Beharie

Existing work ready for touring:

Batty Bwoy

Batty Bwoy is a solo performance in collaboration with Karoline Bakken Lund, Veronica Bruce, Jassem Hindi and Ring van Mobius. Through a reappropriation of the Jamaican term “ Batty Bwoy” (litteraly, butt boy), slang for a queer person, the work twists and turns the myths of the queer body to invoke demonic sensitivities and charming cruelties, unfolding vulnerable possibilities in an interplay of consciousness and naivety. The horror and joy of Batty Bwoy, inherent to queer blackness, is unmasked.

Scrutinizing the absurdity of a queer monstrosity, Batty Bwoy articulates the porosity of bodies and languages, their mouths swallowing and regurgitating the corporal fictions projected onto their skins.

Batty Bwoy attacks and embraces sedimented narratives around the fear of the queer body as a perverse and deviant figure. The expression «Batty Bwoy» is used to evoke an ambivalent creature that exists in the threshold of the precarious body, liberated power, joy and batty energy!


Harald Beharie is a Norwegian-Jamaican performer and choreographer based in Oslo, Norway. Harald holds an interest for the unpolished, the DIY and vulnerability of being in the unknowing. His choreographic practice unfolds in various constellations , and some of the leading interests in his work at the moment are dissecting known physical narratives and opening for a conscious naivety and playfulness while indulging practices of the pathetic, collapsing, joyful, failing and persistent body