Dance for life

Hvordan kan involveringsprosjekter være med på å skape og tilrettelegge for verdier som likeverd og frigjøring, gjennom samarbeid og kreativ utfoldelse?

VEGA scene, salongen

12. October - Kl 09.30

CODA invites to a panel discussion moderated by Lavleen Kaur (actress and criminologist), and a movement workshop led by German CocoonDance.

How can a participation-project help create and encourage values such as equality and liberation, through cooperation and creative expression?
Using Norwegian and international participation-projects as starting off-points, where amateur and professional participants work as equals, this seminar will provide insight into these projects – as well as into the importance of dance and art in a larger societal perspective.

Choreographers and dancers from CocoonDance (DE) will participate digitally, while representatives from TekstLab, Panta Rei, JM Norway, Norwegian Arts Council, Kloden and The Cultural Rucksack will be present for a discussion moderated by Lavleen Kaur.