
25. October - Kl 21.30

26. October - Kl 21.30

In Survival, Braza poses the question: How does the primary survival instinct affect our individual choices? What happens to the individual when our boundaries are moved – geographically, morally and ethically? How far are we willing to go to survive? «Survival» takes place in a glimpse of a dystopic future universe told through urban expressions: slam poetry, urban contemporary dancers, physical theatre, stencilart and a contemporary electronic musical universe.

Belinda Braza is house choreographer at The Norwegian Theatre and simultaneously works on her own productions. She is founder of «B-Braza productions» which produces shows that are urban and topical within the urban and crossover genre. She has produced three full length shows and «Survival» premieres at Riksscenen – The Norwegian Hub of Traditional Music and Dance – during CODA 2017.

Braza is artistic director of STEPS – a collaboration between Kulturtanken and Riksteateret that offers perfromances and and workshops at asylum centres in Buskerud. She is artistic director of POW!, a project geared towards underaged asylum seekers under the direction of Dansns Hus, Oslo.

Braza also leads HUMAN which offers activities for children and young people at asylum centres in Oslo.